I Think My Gongora Tricolor Froze It's Bulbs Off!!
I recently purchased a blooming size Gongora Tricolor mounted on cork bark. A couple days after I placed it in the shade rack we had an unexpected cold snap with night time temps down in the upper forties.
That was a week ago and to today I noticed that three of four of the developing growths have turned brown and some of the leaves are yellowing and a few are crunchy at the tips. When I tested some of the developing leaves they slid right out. There was no obvious sign of any sort of pest.
Being unsure what the problem might be I thought it might be an infection of some sort, so I sprayed the plant down with some liquid copper fungicide.
Anyone have an idea if this is most likely cold damage or are Gongora tolerant of temps in the upper forties?
Thanks for any advice you can give me.
Aaron "Thought He Had This Orchid Thing Figured Out" M