Hi Mabel,
you have a very nice plant there

To be honest, I would not divide that one yet (if it is only one plant!)...
it's quite weird that not only the spikes are on different levels, but also that the PBs are indeed quite different.. If you would have had divided the plant as you mentioned: central and right PB = one plant (A), & fron and left PB= another plant (B), and posted them here, I would have said Plant A is Catasetum, and plant B is Cycnodes... note that not only the shape of the PBs but also the way the leave wrap them is diferent in both groups...
of course that can also mean, the plant was exposed to a growing condition for the first two PBs, and then to a different one for the next two PBs... the spike on the lowest third of the PB is nottypical for Catasetum, but it can happens... I have one Ctsm pileatum 'Oro Verde' which always produce 3 spikes (normal is only two), and the third grows from the lower third of the PB and not from the base...