Thank everyone for your feedback.
It looks like I will be using a good amount of (gulp) sphagnum with these plants. I was VERY hesistant to take the plunge as I have had very bad luck with sphagnum when I've used it with Cat types (black rot), onc. types and phals (root rot). But if it is working for you, and our conditions are fairly similar, it should be ok for me.
I'm thinking wooden vanda baskets with mesh lining for pots for better air movement - and I already own them. When it hits the middle of the summer and the humidity and rains kick in, I often have to run my ceiling fans in my growing area or run the risk of rot setting.
Being the chicken I am, I will put some styro peanuts on the bottom - I'm not a wine drinker and beer tabs probably will not get me the same results - and mix about 60%-70% sphag with tree fern fiber and redwood chips, again on concerns with air movement in my growing area.
Thanks again for the help.
Hick's Orchid Supply is about 15min away and I do go there from time to time for supplies. Nice people...
Not to wear out my welcome but one more question - Is there a way to tell the difference between a Cstm. and a Cycnodes by looking at the bulbs? Neither one has bloomed but one has what look like old bloom spikes coming out of the base of the bulb and the other appears to have them about 1/2 way up the bulb itself. They are in the same pot and I don't want to mislabel them when I repot.
Any thoughts?