Stanhopea Nirvana
This is my favorite stanhopea. It's a hybrid of Stan. (posadae X martiana). It came from Doug Pulley as a small seedling in 2000. The first flowers were produced in October 2005 and were white with dark burgundy blotches much like Stan. martiana. (first pict) Stan. martiana only flowers with 2 flowers back to back and for me is hard to flower because of it's need for a rest period or dormancy like many mexican stanopeas. The hybrid flowers every year and is easy to grow and has a better arrangement of the flowers
I have noticed that when the temperature is in the 70's or 80's the flowers are white but this year the temps. have been in the low 50's and 40's one nite even 38, the flowers are more the color of posadae.(2nd photo) They are a lite ocher to lemon yellow. I have several other Stanopeas that also seem to show a differance in color intensity depending on the temperature.
Last edited by Gwallogwyn; 10-12-2008 at 04:52 PM..
Reason: spelling