I have a catasetunm pileatum and this will be my first winter with a place that needs a "winter rest". I was told by the previous owner of this plant that this doesn't lose it's leaves, or loses very late.
So, just resently, a new growth has appeared! which is great, but in about a month aren't I suppose to decrease watering? What do yall usally do?
The same thing has happened with 2 of my Cattasetums, Kristen. I've got about 5 growths on one and 2 on the other. I plan to continue watering these until the leaves turn yellow and drop. I'm not expecting spikes this season as I think it's too late in the season but I'm continuing it's watering until all bulbs tell me otherwise.
Water as normal until the new bulbs mature. You (and Sandy) will probably get lucky and get late season blooms (ie. January or so). Dont forget to post pics!!
We have a few, and they have all spruted new bulbs, one has 7 new blubs, keep watering as normal,Mine have bloomed twice this year, and will bloom again in January or so...