OTOH, I do give my deciduous dendrobiums as close to full sun in winter as I can get, and they respond well. In nature, supposedly, they grow in deciduous forests, so along with the 'dry' in winter, they also get much, much higher lights.
Thanks, Steve, for sparing my foot!
Cheers - Nancy
growing buds: Ctsm. vinaceum!
Very attractive flowers Nancy, I cannot believe that are scentless. I do not know if all the heteranthes male flowers are lack of scent. This happens with cycnoches maculatum, male flowers do not have any perfume (I cannot detect any). Could some one help me to know much more about this matter?
Congratulations on such beautiful blooms ...and also for that little tid bit of info your dropped on the deciduous dendrobs. I'll be putting mine in higher light this winter...maybe it will help them to bloom better in the spring.