So what is it?
The stanhopea I have was hybridized by Doug Pulley using a Stan. Bucephalus that
was incorrectly identified and awarded by the AOS Seattle judging center in 1979.
It’s true identity is Stan. Embreei, which was published in Selbyana (Vol. 1,1975, pp.
128-129) by C.H. Dodson. ( Photo 1 )
There is a picture of the real Ulli Paterny ,hybridized by H.J.Jung in 1993, on the Foxdale Orchids web site. You can see both the influence of martiana and oculata in it.
It’s hypochile resembles the shape of martiana’s as well as the tips of the horns. The spots are those of oculata. ( Photo 2 )
The hybrid Bucmar ( Photo 3 ) is listed as having the same parents as Ulli Paterny but
it looks quite different. The hypochile resembles martiana but the spots have almost
disappeared. Stan. Embreei has this influence on it’s hybrids. Two examples being
Stan. Chloe Bush ( oculata X embreei) Photo 4 and Stan. Dick’s Trick (embreei X hernandezii) Photo 5.
So my plant is ether Stan. Bucmar or an unregistered hybrid.