I saw one of these in bloom at Tropical Orchid Farm last Labor Day and I absolutely had to have it!
This is one of those plants are on the "secret list" over there, so its not on the normal one. Anyway, I bought this plant and it has continuously pumped out large p-bulbs for me over the past 9 months or so and has over 40 blooms on this one spike and 2 more spikes are in different phases of growth. Not bad for a first bloom! This is not one of the flashier species, but is very unusual, even for a Gongora! Each flower is very large and heavy bodied, and the scent coming from them is AWESOME!!
Rather than the usual "pterodactyl" look, I personally think the escobarian is more of a flying rhyno look. Anyone else see it??
Anyway, I love it!! For some reason this guy has an unusual allure for me. Thanks for checkin out my