I have only been caring for one of these for a month, so take that into consideration.
i got mine from Russ Vernon at New Vision Orchids in IN. He has a lot of experience with Lycaste which are their close relatives. I talked to him quite a bit before I took one into my care.
I fell in love with these hiking in the Andes in Venezuela. I have only seen them as terrestrials high in the mountians. I have also seen lots of them near Machu Pichu.--both climes are cool and misty and high light. So they prefer nights below 65F.
Since they are rare in cultivation I thought they were hard. But now I think they are only big. Russ says that the big thin leaves can lose a lot of water, fast. Heat stressed leaves tend to develop black or dark margins. I mist the leaves daily, water twice a week in my tiny intermediate greenhouse.
I asked Russ what to do in the heat of the summer and he had two ideas. You need to keep the roots cool. A clay pot is cooler than a plastic one because of the evaporation. He even said that you can put your clay pot inside a larger one and fill the space with wet spag and the evaporation will cool the roots.
So far so good. I think they are slow growers too. I have 5 growths, don't know what they are yet, hope some of them are flowers.
Anguloa uniflor. These flowers make my heart skip a beat.