I found buds on my rosea. The plant is dry Bec it's been sitting in the window of my winter indoor plant depot and haven't been watered since early January.
Some of the buds are lost already and turned yellow.
Should I water this plant now and maybe save some buds from blasting further?
(This is one of the collected x line bred plants Fred offered last year.)
The spike on my Cl. rosea blasted. No water yet, it is still deep in dormancy which is its bloom time. It's the dominant species in Cl. Rebecca Northen which put on its show... and won't start its leaves for awhile. Normal Catasetenae culture, it'll be a couple of months before watering.
---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------
I just took a look at my plant... there is a teensy new growth starting. So now the waiting begins...
My last year's p-bulb is nice and plump even without water, so not worried about it. I just figure it needs another year's p-bulb to get strong and happy... Rebecca has done much better after turning into a beast.
The box is heavy on the humid side indeed. It did get somewhat wet from me watering the Leptotes above it. We see how it comes out getting a little drink.
The plastic ring is the top of a net basket filled with sphagnum. The sphagnum is then mounded around the net pot to catch any roots trying to escape
I have a Cl. rosea 'Andy' x Cl. rosea collected. It just came into full bloom. No water at all for months. It is truly a struggle to resist watering. This is my first year growing these types of orchids. It gets a light mist daily, just overspray from the other orchids getting their morning spritz. I've been happy with the fragrance, it's faintly minty to me. I hope you get to see your flowers open soon. Love the cat picture. I have to hide my plants away to keep them from being chewed on by our cats.
I have a Cl. rosea 'Andy' x Cl. rosea collected. It just came into full bloom. No water at all for months. It is truly a struggle to resist watering. This is my first year growing these types of orchids..
Resist! In not very long, you will see the little green shoot of the new growth. Continue to resist... the roots need to get 3 inches long or more before it's ready to water. Probably close to 6-8 weeks. Put your hands in your pockets when you approach the plant so that you can't reach for the watering can.