I’ve had this Stanhopea shuttleworthii for only about a month—the newest pseudobulb has been steadily putting on mass in my care, too!It’s growing in sphagnum inside of a 1 ounce(30ml) plastic cup and it seems like the future growths are going to grow over the sides of the cup it’s in.
From what I’ve been able to gather, these plants are most often grown in hanging baskets, but it seems like folks are particular about the baskets having large enough openings so as to not hamper the emergence of the spikes.
As an aside, I’ve considered acquiring a second Stanhopea to see if I might be able to grow one mounted to a tree—the solitary Catasetum I have mounted bare-root still hasn’t died(and surprisingly hasn’t been shriveling)and that has emboldened me to potentially throw away money in pursuit of cool plants that I can grow on trees!
Looking for your input—how do you grow your Stanhopeas? Thank you in advance!
Live from greenhouseFrog’s busted stovetop, it’s Stanhopea shuttleworthii!