Originally Posted by Den-phal52
Thanks...your environment is similar to mine so I'll do the same. I might have stopped watering too early...around Nov. 1...so I won't know what to do next season until I see how their growth develops.
My rule of thumb for when I start to force the dormancy issue is 1 Dec. In most years my plants are still green then but there have been years when they were as much as 50% defoliated. What it came down to for me was getting them in synch with my personal schedule. I go north for the summer in late May. If those things haven't fully cycled to the point where I was able to get them potted up and start watering before I departed, then they probably were going to be pretty sad looking or totally dead when I got back in Oct. If I let them follow their own schedule, there will be several lost every year.
If I force dormancy by the 12/1/date, it works out and was just trial and error that that's what it's become for me.
We're more subtropical down here than you are and I think that pushes them to want to keep going later into the year. The triggers probably are a high diurnal temp change, shorter hours of light and less rain, none of which have much of a seasonal variation for us except the rain typically. Some years we have a true dry season but last winter, for example, was pretty wet.
A lot of the plants in my collection just keep growing right through the winter and never really even slow down.