Originally Posted by Den-phal52
That was interesting! Do you miss seeing some of them bloom while you are away?
The catasetum's are definitely on the edge for me but I have several Clowesetum Lydia Pan and they bloom in the fall. 1 has gone bye, 1 is flowering now and another should start to open in the next couple of weeks. My favorite of that tribe is Clowesia Rebecca Northen which is already dormant but will bloom here for me in mid Feb. typically. As soon as the flowers go by, the new growths start emerging.
It gets a blue ribbon at the Key West show every year. It's a good plant but it's also always the only plant from that tribe in the show.

I think they scare people down here where they are used to a plant that stays green year round.
The rest of my collection has morphed over the past 10 years to plants that bloom fall to spring. Most of the summer bloomers I have do so because they bloom multiple times/year, although I do still have a few species that are summer bloomers left over from when I used to grow in my greenhouse in NH.