For better or for worse, I took advantage of SVO’s holiday sale and upon unpacking, I made a couple of discoveries—unsurprisingly, the media(sphagnum) of every plant is crispy dry, a Mormodia I had been coveting came with what seems to be the beginnings of a spike, and one of the hybrid Catasetums doesn’t seem to be as plump as it should be.
Could a light watering be in order for the whole lot or should I just focus on the Catasetum with the wrinkles?
Thanks in advance!
Mo. Barnabas Collins—I hope this is a spike!

Ctsm. Sylvia Soloff Beightol ‘Dina Soloff’ x Lata Laxman—note the ribbed appearance I’m pointing at

Another catasetum from the same order for reference