Originally Posted by orchidman77
Well done! These might not be as showy as the male flowers, but everything I've read suggests female flowers mean the plant is very healthy.
Thank you David! Up until very recently, I thought I just sucked and they were two big, upside-down, “unripe” male flowers; things began clicking for me when I saw the big hole and realized they weren’t upside down or going to “ripen” any more. Not a tomato, but at 100PPM nitrogen it gets the same concentration of nitrogen that my tomaters get during season albeit in vastly smaller quantities
I reached out to the fellow that sold me the plant as well as Fred at SVO; despite growing in a very different manner from those two gentlemen, both acknowledged that the plant looked healthy and happy just as you have.
I know my decision to mount this plant was the worst one for it in terms of keeping its feet wet, but I’m going to leave it in the tree and keep at it 5 times a day because I’m a bonehead with the energy to spare and a somewhat conducive environment. At one point it was my only Catasetum, now it is my only mounted Catasetum! Between the mount, the established plants in PET, and the haul of seedlings in just sphagnum, I figured I could experience just about every point on the spectrums of light, fertilizer, and water within my own environment.