Hi All -
I am reviving this thread from one year ago because I bought a Catasetum ivanae from SVO's 2024 list and am looking for some advice from the group.
I had concluded that the plant was unlikely to bloom this year based on what I had read about its normal blooming time, so I had been reducing the water it received over the last few weeks to prepare for dormancy. As I was watering yesterday, I found a small spike emanating from the bottom of the pseudobulb. I'm excited that it is going to bloom, but was surprised about the timing. Reading this thread, I saw that @Jmoney also had a spike emerge on an invanae in late December, so maybe this is not so odd after all.
What is the plan here in terms of watering? Do I continue reducing water to move the plant toward dormancy or go back to heavier watering until blooming it complete?
Interested to hear the experiences of the folks on this thread who are all at least one year ahead of me in growing this plant