This is Ctsm. Jamie Lawson XOXO, which I got as a bare-rooted division back in March. It was a bit late for it to get repotted since it already had 1-2 long roots but still, you do what you can with what you have.
No roots ever got to the bottom of the pot, it got a bit of a drink of water mixed with Kelpak and sprayed around the sides which helped plump the pseudobulbs a little bit in mid May. Yet, as you see, it's pretty shriveled. I tried to avoid spraying on top of the new growth as my intention was to simply give it some moisture to make sure it had enough energy to push those roots down. Might've been my mistake.
I was inspecting it today to see if I should start watering and bite the bullet, roots or not, and noticed that it had a small growth towards the upper part of the bulb. At the very top I had a big flower clip helping keep the plant stable, to my surprise, underneath the clip an even bigger growth had been developing with roots and all, at the veeeery top of the pseudobulb.
So now I'm like, okay, this is not shooting long roots that I can see, yet it has a big new growth, and 3 small satellite growths, one at the base and two at the very top of the pseudobulb.
Should I stress this plant even more and pot it horizontally, cut the back growth and pot it separately, place some sphagnum underneath the uppermost keiki? Do I try to cut it and pot it up by itself? I really wasn't prepared for this!