I'm certainly not going to test this any time soon, but I was looking at climate information of many cold tolerant orchids like Barkeria spectabilis, Euchile citrina, Laelia anceps, Epidendrum parkinsonianum, Oncidium ghiesbreghtiana, etc... and I found one commonality, that they all come from Mexican pink-oak forests between, say, 3000-8000 feet in elevation.
However, there are also some cool growing Mormodes and Catasetum overlapping in this range, like Mormodes badia, buccinator, pardalinata, for example.
So then it naturally sprung to mind whether there are exceptions to the over 50F rule that could possibly stay outside if kept dry, since winter lows are probably in the 40s in some of this area, and a number of the other orchids have been said to be able to survive all the way down to above freezing.
I wonder if anyone has any stories to share, possibly about accidentally leaving these out