Originally Posted by skirincich
Thanks for all of the comments. I have moved my plants to full sun and will stay on top of fertilizing. I will avoid dividing any plants not showing good vigor. I am still disappointed with one plant that showed fantastic growth last summer but never flowered. Oh well!
Patience, patience... If a plant is growing well, it's building reserves. Depending on parentage, it may need to get big and husky before it has the energy to bloom. Fdk. After Dark 'Black Pearl' has been a shy bloomer for me - a couple of years of decent performance, but then only every 2 years or so. Fdk. After Dark 'SVO' I got in 2009, got really big and finally bloomed in 2020. A spectacular blooming, well worth the wait. If you got the plants in 2020, they're babies...lots of growing yet to do. Don't even think of dividing this soon. And certainly never never while they are growing. Potting (and dividing only when really big and vigorous, multiple pseudobulbs and climbing out of the pot) during dormancy only! When you're getting pseudobulbs that, if barbecued could feed a small village

, then you can consider dividing.