Blooming Habits / Bloom Timing of Species
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Old 09-14-2021, 12:04 PM
mopwr mopwr is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 109
Blooming Habits / Bloom Timing of Species
Default Blooming Habits / Bloom Timing of Species

Even though we lump all of these plants (mormodes, cycnoches, catasetum, clowesia, etc.) together in that the general care is the same, the bloom times for each can vary a lot. Some catasetums bloom with new growth, some bloom while completely dormant, some bloom more than twice during the season (I think), some bloom early and then again later while dormant.

I know there's such a crazy universe of catasetinae that to capture anything beyond the bloom habits of species would be an insurmountable task (especially when considerinf inter-generics, etc.), but it's tough to figure out which crosses or species I want in my collection without fully knowing bloom timing.

I tried a bunch of different catasetinae this year (my first time with any of them) and I'm learning slowly through experience how these plants behave, but I'm always looking to benefit from others experience.

As a reference, I saw something similar already done for Cattleyas that describes growth and blooming habits; when they root, when they flower, when new growths emerge. A similar thing would be super helpful for Catasetinae, as most information I've found just lumps them all together.

EDIT: For context, I also know there's variability, but even knowing which ones are, or can be, variable is helpful. My understanding is that some species are fairly consistent within that species with regards to their habits. Culture and conditions can obviously change the outcomes, but it's helpful to me as a baseline. A practical example is that having a full leafed out Fdk with a boat load of flowers takes up a lot more grow space than a dormant (leafless) Fdk with a spike in winter. In general, I'd like to find varieties that flower either with new growth or flower when completely dormant (assuming care is inline with their expectations).

Last edited by mopwr; 09-14-2021 at 01:12 PM..
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bloom, blooming, catasetinae, similar, species

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