Originally Posted by Louis_W
OK here goes:
Winter is cold here in Albuquerque NM so plants are inside in a south window all winter. We keep the house 65 at night and usually 70 in the day. This summer they will go outside under 60% shade with summer Temps between 90 and 105 commonly. Humidity is low so I'll need to water a lot and keep the humidity up any way I can. (I'll probably put automated misters on them)
They are basically getting the same conditions as my bifoliate Catts who are pretty happy. Also as I said catasetums are doing OK although I still have some perfecting to do with their culture as well.
I have a feeling that they are hyper sensitive to being splashed with water from the plants around them (I never really water them, I'm talking droplets) I have also had them shrivel and die so I like to keep the barely functional root system in its pot so I can water if the bulbs start to shrivel too much. I think it's just a very fine line that at I am not walking very well.
What do you him think?
As far as fertilizer I just use a 20.20.20 and I follow Freds recommended schedule (approx) admittedly I'm a little willy-nilly with fertilizer but I think they get enough.
I have pretty hard water here, but I just started using rain water. We'll see how long I can keep stored rainwater going here because it's very dry.
Hmmm... my guess would be not enough water at the roots in summer. Your Catasetums and Cycnoches roots shouldn't completely dry during active growth. What type of media are they in?
Also, I don't think you'll get much benefit from misters unless it raises the ambient humidity in the room. Unfortunately, adding water to leaves via mist doesn't make up for low humidity.
Originally Posted by My Green Pets
I like the idea of this thread as a 'hangout' for everyone with a Cycnoches.
Mine came from SVO in June and did not bloom, but grew reasonably well and formed a nice plump bulb. I just repotted it a few days ago into fresh damp sphagnum (so much easier to work with than dry). The plant is down to one yellow leaf at the tip top of the bulb, but inside the pot all the roots still have active root tips. I'll let the damp spaghnum dry out completely and then begin a completely dry period.
It has a new growth about 5 mm tall right now. The medium should be bone dry within a few days and I will keep it that way as the new growth roots.
My temps are 27C high, 17C low, 50-80% humidity, bright light from two SF1000 LEDs.
Shoot, I need to check mine! I know a lot of my Catasetums are waking up, but I haven't checked the Cycnoches.