Clowesia dodsoniana : problem ending dormancy
Hello everyone.
I'm new to the Orchid Forum. I live in Scotland and am growing orchids in my home. About two months ago I bought a Clowesia dodsoniana. It had 4 bulbs but was showing no signs of growth. I removed it from its pot to find many roots, all dead, which I removed. The plant was propped up in a pot and I waited for growth. The second youngest bulb (as far as I can ascertain) had a keiki the size of a pea attached close to the top of the bulb. About three weeks after I bought the plant, the keiki started to produce a new growth. Weeks passed and still no new growth from the base of any of the bulbs. Eventually after the new growth started to produce a few roots, I removed the keiki; about two weeks after this, the youngest bulb started to push out three new growths, all from the top half of the bulb. i was concerned that perhaps as with many other types of plant there maybe an 'apical dominance' effect here. Could the growth of new keikis be suppressing new growths from the base of the bulbs? Finally, I recently decided to remove the bulb with the three developing growths from the other three bulbs. So, Im looking for advice as to where do I go from here. Should I wait until these growths produce hopefully enough roots and then chop the bulb to separate them then pot them up? Alternatively I could simply lie the bulb on its side on a pot of suitable medium and let them root and grow them on and separated them later on next year?
Im fairly new to growing the Catasetinae ; Ive read quite a lot on how to approach growing them but this plant has me confounded. I'd be grateful for any advice.