I was going to repot this into a 2-liter bottle before I left to visit family, but didn't have a chance to do it. Ten days ago would have been ideal.
It is SVO 8191, a new Momordia (Mo.) hybrid, Clowesia (Cl.) Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Mormodes (Morm.) hookeri 'Fuzz'.
I'm still going to do it. My sunroom is very humid this time of year. These plants make aerial basket roots, which is what it is doing now. I will pot it so these upward-facing roots are just at the surface in the new container.
![Catasetinae roots in spring-momordia_svo8191_20210419_seca-jpg](http://www.orchidboard.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=151937&thumb=1&d=1618882147&s=f90553bc9d361ccdad9de4ddd0f1bc0f)