Oh how I love these wild and rude looking Coryanthes! I have only had this since early June, repotted it, and it hasn’t skipped a beat. I probably should have gone with a larger basket but I had no clue it would grow as fast as it has. It’s put out close to a dozen growths since June. These are big, bushy orchids. I’ve had my other two Coryanthes for a couple of years, but are still very young. I’ve been keeping all three in the shade house in relatively bright light, hung up by my C. walkerianas, and they get watered every day in the summer.
I had some periods of low humidity this month (about 45%-50%) so the wings did it unfold as nicely. I also waited a day too long to take pictures. Overall, the blooms only lasted about 3-4 days but this is the third time it’s spiked since June.