Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress
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Old 07-19-2020, 06:58 PM
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress
Default Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

I've had this plant for a number of years. It's a new hybrid as far as I can tell. I don't think it's even been registered, or at least I couldn't find it in the RHS directory (unless I was searching wrong).

I bought it as a tiny seedling in a 2 inch pot about three or four years ago, and it has grown like wild. It looks a little rough now because last summer while I was in Brazil all summer, my orchid sitter didn't recognize the potential signs of stress, and it stayed all summer in the 100 degree temperatures, and it caused a lot of damage to the leaves, but the new growths are coming out nice and pristine. I have just repotted it into an 8 inch hanging basket. I have no idea how long it will be until it blooms, as it is the only Stanhopea type plant I have ever grown. Right now I'm keeping it inside by my artificial lights because it is so hot outside. Once it cools down I will put it back outside.

I just repotted it into an 8 in wooden basket from a 6 inch plastic one. I have to say it looks quite nice. I really like it in that basket. It has three new growths started right now.

I'm growing it in about 2 parts long figer sphag and 1 part of the orchid mix I use on my Cattleyas and other thick rooted orchids. It had a great root system when I repotted it. It seems so thirsty, I'm constantly watering it, and I was worried I was over watering it, but once I saw all the healthy roots it has, I'm no longer worried about that.

I'm trying to decide on a good place to hang it. Right now I just have it sitting on one of the shelves in my T5 grow light set up, but I'd rather hang it. I have a good west window, maybe I'll put a hook and hang it in front of that window.

It's a relatively new hybrid, I guess. I can't find any pictures of it online, and like I said, it doesn't seem to be registered, so I'm excited to see what the flowers look like, because I can't find any pictures of the blooms online.

A few years ago right after I got this plant, I posted a picture of it when it was a tiny baby in a two inch pot. Some of you may remember that, or not, but it has grown like crazy and gotten big. Just wanted to share the progress. I can't imagine I'm too far away from the first bloom. I hope to be showing the first bloom in the next year or two.

It's growing and happy, despite the fact that I have no experience with these types of plants whatsoever. and I can't wait to see it bloom.
Attached Thumbnails
Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_162559-edited-jpg   Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_162611-edited-jpg   Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_162858-edited-jpg   Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_163103-edited-jpg   Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_162618-edited-jpg  

Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress-20200719_163107-edited-jpg  
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Old 07-19-2020, 10:52 PM
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress Female

Spectactular! I looked it up in Orchidwiz -
Embreea rodigasiana x Stan. nigroviolacea is Stanbreea (Stb.) New Era. Since Stan. nigroviolacea is now considered a variety of Stan. tigrina (has gone back and forth) I think that it would be Stb. New Era, registered in 2006 . (Orchidwiz is a lot more forgiving than the RHS tool... I started with Embreea rodigasiana and looked for F1 offspring. And that bit of synonymy for Stan. tigrina was one I knew...) OW has no photo, maybe you can find one now that it has a name.
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Last edited by Roberta; 07-20-2020 at 12:12 AM..
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:07 AM
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

Originally Posted by Roberta View Post
Spectactular! I looked it up in Orchidwiz -
Embreea rodigasiana x Stan. nigroviolacea is Stanbreea (Stb.) New Era. Since Stan. nigroviolacea is now considered a variety of Stan. tigrina (has gone back and forth) I think that it would be Stb. New Era, registered in 2006 . (Orchidwiz is a lot more forgiving than the RHS tool... I started with Embreea rodigasiana and looked for F1 offspring. And that bit of synonymy for Stan. tigrina was one I knew...) OW has no photo, maybe you can find one now that it has a name.
Thanks for clearing up the name! I tried several different ways to search it on RHS, and came up empty every way. I never thought to use Orchidwiz. Although now that I do have a name, I still can't find any substantive information on the hybrid. Oh well. I guess it will just be a surprise haha. I can't imagine that it will be too much longer. The plant is getting really big. It had outgrown its 6 inch basket, and I just potted in an 8 inch basket, so it's got to be getting close to maturity. I will wait, and we will find out when it's ready haha.

Last edited by Roberta; 07-20-2020 at 12:11 AM..
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:42 AM
DirtyCoconuts DirtyCoconuts is offline
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

Reach out to Brent?

He was super responsive when I ordered from him and if it has one of his plants as a parent, he might have some insight.
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Old 07-20-2020, 04:53 AM
JScott JScott is offline
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts View Post
Reach out to Brent?

He was super responsive when I ordered from him and if it has one of his plants as a parent, he might have some insight.
I believe I got it from a place called Rogue Orchids, and they have a contact form on their website. Is Brent the owner of Rogue Orchids? I sent them a message with some general questions, such as how long I should expect to wait until it blooms, and I asked if any of theirs had bloomed yet, and if they had, I would love to see some pictures. It says it was registered by RJ Hartley, but the person I bought the seedling from was the originator of the cross, and it was years ago, but it feels right to me that Brent was his name. So yes, I have reached out to him. Maybe he can give me some insight.
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Old 07-20-2020, 08:51 AM
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I really like that second picture, with all those little new growths poking up their heads. Nice.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:04 AM
JScott JScott is offline
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

Originally Posted by WaterWitchin View Post
I really like that second picture, with all those little new growths poking up their heads. Nice.
It has three, but one is still so small you can't really see it in the picture. Each growth generally produces two new growths, so it has formed a nice little clump fairly quickly. Even if it hasn't bloomed yet, I love this plant. I think I'm going to explore some other Stanhopea species to try. Rogue Orchids has a nice selection (I was looking at their website) and they have Stanhopea nigroviolacea ‘Predator’ FCC/AOS, and I'm starting to feel like I need that one.
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Old 07-20-2020, 11:55 AM
DirtyCoconuts DirtyCoconuts is offline
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

correct, Brent Baker owns Rogue Orchids and i recently bought some plants from there and he was nice- i don't think i kept it but there was a card with email and phone on it in the box...i'll look around to see
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Old 07-20-2020, 11:59 AM
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress

Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts View Post
correct, Brent Baker owns Rogue Orchids and i recently bought some plants from there and he was nice- i don't think i kept it but there was a card with email and phone on it in the box...i'll look around to see
I filled out the contact form on the website. If I don't hear back from him from that, then maybe the email address will be useful. But it was the middle of the night when I filled out the contact form, and it's still early today, so let's give him a little time to finish his coffee before I start blowing up his email and cell. But if you find that information, I'll take it in case I need it.
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Old 07-20-2020, 10:22 PM
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Embreea rodigasiana 'Rogue Orchids' x Stanhopea tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' progress Male

I don't know whether you noticed this, but Hausermann has seedlings of three Stanhopea primary hybrids and one species available now.
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basket, hang, inch, repotted, summer

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