Catasetum expansum
First of my Catasetinae to bloom (except for Clowesia Rebecca Northen that did its thing in February). Catasetum expansum, this time with all female flowers on this spike. I fullly expect another spike later My other one (a division of the same plant) is just starting a spike, maybe I'll get male flowers. The female flowers look pretty much the same for the whole genus, so are pretty useless for identification, and not much to look at. If you're a breeder, of course, you need them.What causes a plant to produce one or the other of these dimorphic flowers? Anybody who thinks they know, inform Fred Clarke... he has tried to control the process and totally failed. You get what you get.
I'm including a photo of a male flower from a previous year, just for reference, and another blooming where both males and females were on the same inflorescence. Yes, the same plant.
Last edited by Roberta; 07-17-2020 at 12:44 AM..