What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea?
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea?
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Old 07-20-2020, 07:28 PM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

...yours just looks from a too dry issue,no disease.
Possibly, I hve thought about it too. My HR is too low.
Meteo data at my city here.
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Old 07-20-2020, 10:13 PM
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

Do these flower from new, or old pseudobulbs?

I got a piece of what was labeled Stanhopea tigrina var. nigroviolacea ‘Predator’ FCC/AOS from an orchid society member last fall. It was essentially rootless, with a few old leaves. There were 8 pseudobulbs about the size of medium olives. I'm guessing they should be larger if well-grown?

I set it in a plastic baggie and put it in a window with bright shade, while keeping what roots it had moist. I treated it with KelpMax once a month when weather warmed up in February. It sat all winter, while leaves dropped one by one, until it was leafless. Then I noticed it was making a lot of new growths, but no roots. I potted it into a basket. One new growth is about 2"/5cm long, and another has just become visible. I think there will be at least 5 more poking up shortly. I see one new root forming at the base of the larger growth.
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Last edited by estación seca; 07-20-2020 at 11:47 PM.. Reason: Add full plant name
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Old 07-21-2020, 03:40 PM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

Originally Posted by estación seca View Post
Do these flower from new, or old pseudobulbs?

I got a piece of what was labeled Stanhopea tigrina var. nigroviolacea ‘Predator’ FCC/AOS from an orchid society member last fall. It was essentially rootless, with a few old leaves. There were 8 pseudobulbs about the size of medium olives. I'm guessing they should be larger if well-grown?

I set it in a plastic baggie and put it in a window with bright shade, while keeping what roots it had moist. I treated it with KelpMax once a month when weather warmed up in February. It sat all winter, while leaves dropped one by one, until it was leafless. Then I noticed it was making a lot of new growths, but no roots. I potted it into a basket. One new growth is about 2"/5cm long, and another has just become visible. I think there will be at least 5 more poking up shortly. I see one new root forming at the base of the larger growth.
ES, mine is a Stan. wardii and that's the only one I have. From I've read, the culture and the cultural requirements are basically the same.
In my case, it gets light from a small north faced window. It's really near the glass and the view is not obstructed. In winter avg temp is 12 to 14şC, in summer 24 to 28şC. HR in winter is around 40 to 50% (water it 1/week, as I notice it's getting dry). In summer I water it everyday because the HR is between 15 to 20%.

An advise I got from here is to apply full dosage of fertilizer during growth (spring-summer). It really makes a difference.

It doesn't seem to grow spikes only from new pbulbs. Mine is growing from new and old ones.

Some photos from the initial evolution, sice I got it:

When I got it (30-05-2016), potted it in a plastic pot with medium/small bark mixed with LECA. At the initial stages I didn't water it, but I reliougiously mist it everyday to keep moiture at the top of the medium and promote growths.

On 09_07-2016, I saw a new growth:

One year later, a 2nd new growth:

During the first 2 to 3 years, it has grown only one new leave per year. Then it started to grow 2 and 3. I changed to a basket by the 3rd year.

The initial pbulbs were a little bigger than an olive but now the doubled its size. Here's a photo with a pen for comparison.

Meteo data at my city here.
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Old 08-08-2020, 07:12 AM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

Today is the day to repot it. The flowers are done, the spikes are dry and it already has two new growths.

I think I won't remove the old medium. I'll take it out of the old basket and put it into the new like it is. Fresh medium all around and a new sphagnum outer layer.
What do you think?

Now it's time to start building a new wood basket.
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Old 08-08-2020, 10:26 AM
JScott JScott is offline
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea?

I only have one, but the lady who sold it to me, who is a prestigious Stanhopea grower told me to repot after flowering, just as the new growths are beginning, which would be right about now. `
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Old 08-08-2020, 11:02 AM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

Some photos of the new growths...

Meteo data at my city here.
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Old 08-10-2020, 06:18 PM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

Repot done

The basket and the plant...now it has room to become a monster.

Meteo data at my city here.
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Old 08-16-2020, 07:06 PM
rbarata rbarata is online now
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

And today I've found a third new growth...for the first time it has 3 new growths (usually there are only two).

Meteo data at my city here.
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Old 09-21-2020, 05:22 AM
Hydrox Hydrox is offline
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What's the best time to repot (or rebasket) a Stanhopea? Male

I re-basket my Stans either in the spring or the fall, when new growth is commencing or after blooming, depending on how the medium looks. The safest bet is whenever new root growth is commencing, and before or after spells of extreme weather. Repotting during either season also decreases the likelihood of accidentally breaking developing spikes.

Speaking of spikes, make sure that your basket has the smallest possible amount of obstructions for the developing spikes. Stans are notorious for aborting spikes that get stuck on basket crossbars.

Good luck!
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gforwth, rebasket, repot, start, time

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