Frank- I'm just about where you're at. My older plants (3+ mature stalks) are going more vigorously and more quickly than the what I think are "3rd-year" plants. I don't think I have "SVO 1443", but I'll take pics of my other SVOs that appear to be of similar age.
I am a newbie with cyncs. I have only one plant, the wine delight that I purchased in bloom last Fall. It's new growth is about 7", roots about 2". Can this be potted/grown with SH culture?
Greetings - I just noticed that Cstm. splendens (according to the closest thing to an 'expert' I know, should actually be Cstm. x tapiriceps) has five (5!!!) inflorescences growing from the three new growths.
That makes me a happy woman!
Regards - Nancy
Oooooooh! This is Catasetum splendens (properly xtapiriceps, which is a naturally-occuring hybrid of (I think) macrocarpum and pileatum. Looks like five spikes so far!
Humbly - Nancy
I find the biggest problem with cynoches is growing from seedlings, In Australia they are just starting to get popular, I have a small plant of cyn. chlorochilon and its the 3rd one i've bought and they just don't come back after after a rest period, any tips also has anyone seen Golden showers chlorochilon x herrinhausin....elermore