So i am NOT an expert at this family NOR any other for that matter

but i am really new to this type of Orchid and so i am learning as i go.
I recently acquired one in dormancy, I had two already....One of mine was clearly entering dormancy and i cut the yellowed leaves off and stopped watering.
I received the new one and set it on the same outside (covered and shaded) window sill and moved my third ( still with leaves) on there as well figuring the dormancy would be soon approaching and i could have them all together....
Fast forward three quick days....
I went to look at them and all three have very clear new growths starting. one is almost a CM long ( it was tucked inside the sheath so i may have just overlooked it last week but i was pretty careful.
So, i repotted all three into pretty much all lava rock and i am going to resume my normal watering routine based on the new growth.
Am i crazy?
here are some shots of the leads
Match head by
J Solo, on Flickr
and one for the root porn thread
Match head by
J Solo, on Flickr
thoughts or experiences? i know that they CAN have very short dormancy periods....i also know that my climate might be more tropical and it is possible that can cause the plant to skip that phase all together....???