I've just recently purchased a Bulb. Sulawesii at a local orchid show. It seems to be a healthy plant with four good growths. Yesterday I noticed that the two bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow. I'm not sure what the growing requirements are when it comes to watering this plant.
but it does like water. If you Google it or Blackle it, there is a website called Asiatic Green. They were saying to water 2 x daily, but I am not real sure what kind of media they are using.
I grow mine in slat baskets in Spag. Depends on what you have them in as to how often . They like to be moist , I water mine as soon as it is (almost) dry . Gin
I bought the plant growing in a fine bark mix. Seems to dry out fairly quickly. Will watch it closely, and hope it adjusts soon. Thanks to everyone for your help!!
There is a grower I know who filled plastic containers with water (1/3 full) and sets her bulbophyllums in it. They seem to grow like weeds in this near hydroponic growth set-up, but it does take up a lot of space.
Grow the same as most Bulbos. I used to have this plant on mount. It was impressive! I watered everday during warmer months. I lost it to rot. Most likely watered too much during the cooler months.