Well not exactly serpents, rather the beginning of Cirrhopetalum Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry'. After seeing some of the pics on this board of other Bulb/Cirr,I know this isn't very impressive but this is the 1st time this has spiked for me and I've been waiting 2 yrs! So I'm pretty excited. Thanks for looking....
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 02-27-2008 at 01:17 PM..
I guess I should not be soooooo excited to see this one open...beautiful flowers in the GH and wonderful fragrances from the catts and now a stinker!!!!!
Some stinkers only scent for a few days .. maybe you'll be lucky .. you can always cover it with a glass cloche (bell jar) until it stops emitting it's pungent odor .. Glass Cloche Bell Jar