Bulbophyllum pardolatum - a tragic tale
I have a tiny bulbophyllum pardalotum that is growing on a mount, and not too long ago, it started growing...
A flower spike!
I was delighted about this, because I hadn't expected it to bloom for quite a while - it was sold to me as near blooming size and it had only been a month.
I watched it closely, day in, day out, until the bud began to elongate, until finally one day, it looked about to pop.
I had heard that this bulbo blooms only in the early hours of the morning, so I went to bed expecting to find it in bloom when I woke up at 5.
I woke up in the morning, but no bloom yet - it was just beginning to open when I had to rush out the door. I told myself I'd be able to see it the next day.
Unfortunately, the next day, it had already started to whither! No bloom for me.
I knew it only opened in the morning, but I didn't realize it only bloomed for one day.
Admittedly not exactly a tragic tale, but I was kind of bummed. Next time it blooms, I'm taking a sick day.