I have also got bitten by the Bulbophyllum bug this year.
Seems very contagious to reach from South Africa to Sweden. My list is not as impressive as your list are, but nearly. I got my first bulbo in August and so far I have got these
Bulbophyllum ambrosia
Bulbophyllum Carsul
Bulbophyllum carunculatum
Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry'
Bulbophyllum fascinator
Bulbophyllum frostii
Bulbophyllum grandiflorum
Bulbophyllum lepidum
Bulbophyllum macranthum
Bulbophyllum membranaceum
Bulbophyllum n.r. (bulb.ornatissimum x bulb.frostii)
Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum
Bulbophyllum ornatissimum
Bulbophyllum pulchellum var. purpureum
Bulbophyllum sulawesii
Bulbophyllum tingabarinum
Bulbophyllum trisetum
Bulbophyllum Tsiku Pouter
All are bought as young plants, but I have gotten 4-5 to bloom so far. Now I have my Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry' in bloom and I have a spike on my ornatissimum.
I hope you get the same nice blooms as I have. Bulbophyllum are an amazing family.