That sounds like a fun project! I've ordered flasks of some bulbo species so ill tell you what I did and you can use it as a guide if you see fit.
What you should do first is determine wether the plants are still small enough that they would benefit from being potted communally. My bet is that they'll be small enough for a compot. So if they are gently separate the seedling from the agar. The roots will most likely look like a tangled mess so work slowly and do the best you can to separate them. You can rinse off the bulk of the agar but don't be overly concerned if there is some still on the roots. Then group the plants and pot them up in some fresh moist sphagnum. Don't over crowd the pots, space them evenly and make sure you DO NOT pack the sphagnum tightly.
After your done put them in a nice shady warm spot and grow them up.
If the plants are larger you can do the same as above just one per pot. If you bought the flask from Troy Meyers there's a deflasking guide in the box if I remember correctly.
You should post some pics if you get a chance. Good luck!