This past weekend was the Michigan Orchid Society annual show. For the past several years it have been my honor to help out Nancy and Wayne Roberts (Roberts Orchid Supply) with their sales booth. They always want to pay me for my assistance but I enjoy it so much I feel guilty taking any money from them; they are both so down to earth wonderful people. They bring "Grandma" along, too and she is their "bag" lady!

She's a real hoot... almost 85 and still tickin'!
Anyway, back to where I was..... where was I?????? This time they insisted that I take a couple of plants if I wouldn't take the money. I picked out two Phrags; Phrag Don Wimber (Eric Young 'Rocket Fire 4N x bessae 'Cow Hollow II) and Phrag boissierianum v reticulatum. Both are in spike so pictures will be coming.
Then, before I could get out the door Sunday late afternoon, Wayne insisted I take one of his show plants. My face turned red because he had already given me more than I ever expected, but he wouldn't have it any other way.... This is the plant he gave me!
Sorry the close-up isn't my best work.