Thanks, Mali,as dainty and hair thin as it is, it's one of the very few that I never have to stake the spikes on ! It's the light, as I don't detect any striping.
I have a pool cue made by Mali !!! I'd take a pix of the label but I had the whole thing turned down on a lath after sealing in the thread wrap grip that I hated and it took off the label as well as the painted on striping !!! It USED to be this horrible orange & black striping and I called it my Halloween stick !! Turning it down after the poly sealing took the surface only striping off as well as the label. But NOW it looks like a REAL pool cue !!! I learned a lot on it and have had it for 15 years and it's now the least expensive one of the three I own !!! Anyway, it's a MALI stick and I'm not sure if they're still making cues anymore.
OK, OK, it's MY thread so I went off subject !!! Here's the pix of my Mali stick ! Those empty spaces between the lines were this horribly faded orange and lime green !!! Horizontally and vertically, picture that and that's why it WAS my "Halloween" stick !!!! No more !!!
Last edited by Merlyn; 03-12-2012 at 08:26 PM..