Originally Posted by dendro photo
i have one but i think i will be waiting a long time mine is much smaller than that but i can wait i love this one
Originally Posted by Daethen
This gives me hope. I have medusae and have been waiting about a year for a bloom. Mine is also much smaller. Any hints on how to care for it? Mine just kind of sits there.
worth the waiting, it took mine two years to bloom. mine is mounted on wood, i feed them only chemical fertilizer (i guess the wood supplies the organic fertilizer component) and after i started shortly with a bloom booster (13:26:26) the waiting ended.
no special care, just shaded area, good aeration and basically due to the my weather here, basically it is dry between watering. i water them twice a day, weak fertilizing. but they love it the way they are treated, the largest bulb size is 11 inches plus from base of bulb to the apex of the leaves (sad to mention it, its even bigger than my bulbophyllum phalenopsis)