Thanks to the encouragement of others on here, today I have ordered my very first Bulbo - Bulbophyllum rothschildianum.
It should arrive on Tuesday and so I was wondering if anyone has had growing experience of this one and has any recommendations? It's currently in bark and is in a pot (which suits my purposes better than a basket). I've read alot on the internet, but it's always nice to get people's experience and opinionson here (particularly if you're in the UK).
Sphagnum works excellent, keep moist but not wet.
Leave room for growth, fert 125 ppm n
I use MSU, but I am sure they will appreciate anything you can give them.
With the right conditions they will grow like weeds!
Caution: Bulbos are addictive...
PS order Bill Thoms book on Bulbophyllums.
Excellent read and funny as well.
Thanks I haven't had a good track record with anything that comes to me in moss - my conditions don't allow it to dry enough and so I've had to do some re-hab to get plants back on track! But, thanks for the advice (and the addiction warning! ) and I'll definately keep a look out for the book - much appreciated.
He/She/It arrived a little while ago so I've got some pics here Looking at how spaced the bulbs are, I might think basket in time, but I'll see how I go first.
The plant looks nice and steady and it's a surprise to have some of the buds out. Fingers crossed I can carry this on next year
Also, with regards to the smell, my nose is pretty good but I'm thinking "what smell?!"
... and another one, now all the flowers are open, simply because I've fallen in love with this guy! There's a faint smell now, but nothing horrid and certainly not strong (unless your nose is pressed against it!).
Definitely pick up the bill thoms book. Worth more than it's weight in gold. Pay attention to his recommendations on culture; they like it moist all the time. Be careful, they are addictive. Some smell good, others stink, but you really have to try to smell them, most of the time...