Originally Posted by calvin_orchidL
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but my b. gracillimum is spiking now, except one of the 2 spikes essentially shriveled before fully opening. Not sure if these are very transient bloomers, or my humidity was just too low, but I'm hoping to be able to catch the second spike before it dies!
Hi Calvin, I sometimes have the same problem with cirrho-type bulbos. Spikes will start strong and then wither about halfway to blooming. I haven't really been able to pinpoint a cause, though it happens more often with certain plants than others.
I suspect that some combination of cool temps, too much or too little water, or some other stress to the plant is involved. Some species also seem sensitive to the spike getting wet as it develops. Ultimately I don't really know, though, and gracillimum isn't one that's been problematic this way for me... Sorry I can't be of more help!