This is the bulbophyllum mandibulare I got from Roch at Ya Li's orchids last week. Longest leaf is 3 inches.
Is there any chance it would thrive in SH?
Am I doing the right thing by keeping the sphag moist? I don't let it dry out, and I try not putting it in direct sun, by putting it behind other pants on a windowsill,
Last edited by metalop1g; 07-13-2009 at 02:17 PM..
Yeah, look at the roots and see how they're doing. Just be careful with the roots. You shouldn't have too many problems with snapping roots or breaking them. The roots are usually not so tangled and brittle compared to those of Coryanthes, for example. Each root is not that highly branched. They can be a bit long, but usually not very extensive. And there are usually not that many roots per pseudobulb anyways. Make sure the roots are thoroughly soaked before handling them.
Granted that New Zealand Sphagnum Moss is the best quality stranded moss available in the market, it will not matter if the plant is grown too wet and doesn't have enough air to breathe. It only matters if you don't want the media to start breaking down so rapidly. The moss from China or Taiwan breaks down way too fast compared to the New Zealand moss.
Bulbophyllums tend to like a lot of air around the roots while being kept evenly moist. They don't like it soggy and stagnant. Their roots can rot.
Everyone here in Hawaii grows their bulbos bright and in spag with the type of pot you have. I would leave it and just water when the top of the media starts get crispy or tough. Just make sure there is some air movement for the plant and it should do just fine.