I love threads like this that lead to all these in-depth details.
Jerry, now that I know what the difference is (thank you Mike!) between your Daisy Chain and mine, I’m going to be looking for a B. lepidum (yours) and re-tagging mine to ?????
Thank you Wilson. I have been following your thread and have really enjoyed your pictures. Your Bulbos really look great and the pictures are great!! Keep on showing more Wilson. The Bulbo picture is Crphm Crownpoint, a hybrid of Bulb rothschildianum and Cirr frostii.
Thank you Wilson. I have been following your thread and have really enjoyed your pictures. Your Bulbos really look great and the pictures are great!! Keep on showing more Wilson. The Bulbo picture is Crphm Crownpoint, a hybrid of Bulb rothschildianum and Cirr frostii.