I'm so excited! First bloom on my Bulbophyllum echinolabium just opened today. 14.25 in (36 cm) from top to bottom and a new bloom is starting behind it. It's in a Milsbo cabinet with 40 watt lights and a couple computer fans running. Got inspired to get one after seeing HAL from My Green Pets (thank you for the super helpful videos btw!). Think I'll call this one Hedgie.
Great! HAL's record is 26 sequential flowers on the same spike, hope yours will do as well or better!
Holy kamoley! 26!?! That's amazing! I got this one in July 2023 and it now has four pseudobulbs and it's the first blooming for me. I doubt I'll get more than a couple on this spike but wow that's a goal to strive for! Of course, even just getting new pseudobulbs to be bigger than the old ones is a nice accomplishment.