Most Bulbos when happy explode in all directions horizontally. A well-watered one would typically overhang a pot within one growing season.
Well, that's excellent info ES. Obviously mine's been barely hanging in there for quite some time. Change is definitely coming the way of my lone Bulbo.
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
Well, that's excellent info ES. Obviously mine's been barely hanging in there for quite some time. Change is definitely coming the way of my lone Bulbo.
If you have a bit of time, Bill Thoms' talk for the San Francisco Orchid Society is on line
Thanks so much Roberta! I'll watch it soon. Got a grandkid en route to help me with some yard work this morning. He's only seven, but he moves faster than I can and definitely has more energy!
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
Very interesting video, Roberta. Gracias. Now being well-armed with info from the video plus here, Imma go unpot this guy and see what's going on under the LECA.
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.