Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
SP, you arent going to get the best out of that plant in just scoria with no way to hold more water- even putting it in a shallow dish will help a lot.
i am the same as you with the scoria EXCEPT for a few genus and this is one of them
DC ----- it's likely that scoria won't provide optimal growth performance for this one.
But interestingly, the health of the treschii here is maintained really nicely for the time I've had it. The leaves are excellent. And the roots remain nice.
I just grew it that way - considering its roots were somewhat like my mini oncidium roots, such as a Onc. Twinkle 'Fragrance Fantasy' - which I've been growing in the same kind of scoria for a few years ----- and the Fragrance Fantasy is going well - and just started to produce a flower spike.
I also noticed that the bulbo has bulbs, so at least some - or a little - water storage or energy storage capacity.
I don't know when the treschii will be developing flower spikes. Will be very interesting to see what the flowers will look like - hopefully get the octopus theme!
In our tropical conditions here ----- I think it's the combination of the regular environment here plus the watering schedule that allows the Onc. and the Bulbo. to keep growing nicely. My spiking Fragrance Fantasy has the same diameter scoria as the treschii. Quite coarse scoria. I water each morning.