B. membranaceum is a great little bulbophyllum. I no longer have this one in my collection, but it thrived when I was growing it within a terrarium.
Pretty much keep the same growing parameters for all the assorted bulbos in my terrariums - temperatures on the warm side (74-84F), RH around 70-80%, kept damp but not wet, good air circulation, lightly fertilized bi-weekly, and grown under moderately bright artificial lighting.
I usually grow my bulbos on mounts with a bit of LF sphagnum. I like using mounts because I can easily move them around and adjust them (different positions) inside the terrariums. I use what I have on hand for mounts (which can range from wood, different types of cork, and tree fern). My "go-to" mounting material choice (if I have it) is tree fern. Forgot to add - mine usually flowered in the late fall, early winter.
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