Bulbophyllum reticulatum
I was searching to buy B. beccarii, which is quite impossible to find at the moment here in Europe (I did find some in the US and Australia). And by accident stumbled over B. reticulatum, which is its little brother in the section beccariana, and, as I think with a more attractive leaf pattern. So I had to get it, despite of its absolouteley crazy pricing.
I know in theory about the cultural requirements, I would just like to know if anyone has personal experience and maybe the one or other hint from this.
I repotted immediately after receiving the plant and was very happy to have gotten 2 cuttings with 3 new growth in one pot. I potted one up, with a layer of rocks with mixed in oyster shell, as it apparently grows on limestone, put a layer of small/medium grade bark over it and Sphagnum on top. The other cutting I mounted on treefern. I put them in my hot, humid greenhouse. At the moment nighttime min. is set to 21°C/~70°F, daytime max. depends on the weather, between 21°C/~70°F if cold and cloudy and 35°C+/~95+°F if warm and sunny. Humidity is never below 80%. But it will move under lights indoors soon because I need the greenhouse in winter for my cool growing PNG Dendros etc. wich are still outside at the time.
I would be very happy to hear any personal experience with this species.