Phal. Fertilizer and Repotting Newbie Question
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Old 02-03-2019, 03:13 AM
stefandeak stefandeak is offline
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Phal. Fertilizer and Repotting Newbie Question
Default Phal. Fertilizer and Repotting Newbie Question

So here`s the story first: I`ve had this phal for about two years. It`s been doing very well during this time ( even flowered last spring ), despite the fact that I didn`t fertilize it at all ( I know, bad move ). Last September - October, I decided it was time to use some fertilizer. I did so at the end of every month ( so once a month ) until now. I live in Japan and there`s not a ton of local options for orchid fertilizers, so I ended up using a 6-6-6 one. I used it at around 1/4 recommended strength. Also, I moved its location to where it`s receiving morning sun now.
What`s happening now is that the orchid is in spike, and at the same time there`s TONS of new root growth. I`m talking like 15 new root tips shooting out. Absolutely all the roots in the picture ( except one ) are 1 month old. No buds on the spike yet, it just started growing a week or two ago.
Now my question: "Growth Season" for phals, as far as I understand it, starts around spring after blooming. Sources on the internet I found say that it should be applied weekly during this period. Should I keep going with the schedule I have and fertilize once a month and then start doing it weekly once it gets warmer in April, OR should I start doing it weekly now since for whatever reason this orchid decided it`s time to grow roots and maybe it needs the extra nutrition?
Also, since I kinda overpotted it slightly last spring, is this a good time to repot since the new roots are not established yet, or should I wait until it`s done blooming?

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Old 02-03-2019, 08:55 AM
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In reverse order:

If the plant is happy and the potting medium is not soppy in the middle, I don't know if I'd repot it at all, but generally - yes - now, when roots are emerging, is the perfect time to repot.

Phals don't really have a "growth season", per se. They may pause periodically, but pretty much grow all the time, so ought to have a slim, but regular supply of nutrients. For a 6-6-6 used weekly, I'd recommend about 3/4 tsp/gal (1.8 ml/L).

Phalaenopsis are deep-shade plants. Giving it more sun may actually stifle its blooming a bit, although I doubt a bit of morning sun will make much difference.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
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Old 02-03-2019, 09:36 AM
stefandeak stefandeak is offline
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Phal. Fertilizer and Repotting Newbie Question

Ray, thank you for your reply.

Plant is happy, medium is fine however, like I said I definitely overpotted it and it's wobbly without the added support of a metal wire going across the pot. I want to remedy that. So I will repot it since you're saying that now it would be the perfect time.

Regarding the fertilizer: actually, on the label, the recommended strength is 1ml/L. So when I said I'm using 1/4 of recommended strength that means that I've been using 0.25/L monthly since September. Since you're saying that there's no specific growth season for phals, do you think I should start fertilising weekly with the recommended strength, or your suggestion 1.8ml/L? Usually, humidity is pretty high here ( around 70% - 90% all year round - only in the last two weeks it dropped to 30 because of lack of rain) so during winter when the temperature is lower, I water around twice a week. I thought maybe I should avoid fertilizing every other watering during winter. I don't know. What do you think?

Regarding the light: I know that phals are low to intermediate light plants but mine seem to love a bit more brightness. The 5 that get the morning sun are all in spike, while the other two who are in deep shade aren't. They all get the same treatment in terms of watering and the temperatures are the same in the whole house - including the night time temperature drop ( it's a small Japanese apartment) Moreover, this particular one kinda bent from the middle 90 degrees - so the usual V of the phal leaves is now horizontal towards the window lol.

Sorry about my long messages, I just want to give all the information so that I can receive adequate feedback.

Thank you,
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it`s, month, roots, spring, time

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