Hi guys!
I am kinda new to orchids and this is only my 2nd post but I hope to be able to spend more time here this year. It is a new year and it's time for me to finally get community advice, my favorite kind.

I'd like to ask your forgiveness in advance for what will probably turn out to be a long post.
My biggest concern is water. I'd like to use less of it. On my SoFlo porch in the summertime, plants can easily dry out in a day but I'd like to water less frequently than that this year... and I think at least half of my collection shouldn't ever get bone dry. Right?
I started this orchid collection last summer and used good water from the start... due to having an already installed RO/RODI system for a reef tank. These filtration systems create waste, as most of you probably know, so while I'm worried about keeping the 'chids hydrated, I'm also feeling guilty about wastewater... and of course, there's always the water bill too.
I'm on the fence about pots themselves. I currently grow in terra cotta pots, most (not all) of which have lots and lots of ventilation holes on the sides. The plants like them, but they're not 'saving water' for me.
The media... I use lecca, Orchiada medium bark, NZ sphag and sometimes small rocks.
The Cats are in lecca and bark with a sphag top dressing
Phals are in lecca, bark and sphag
Dens are in lecca, bark, and sphag... they have a more lecca in their pots than the Phals do
A Paph is in sphag and bark (no extra ventilation holes in this pot)
Liparis grossa (very new to me, a freebie from my first orchid expo a couple of weeks ago) is potted in straight moss, loosely packed. (no extra ventilation)
A Brassia is potted sphag and bark (no extra ventilation holes)
I have the least experience with those last three, and not an entire summer with them at all.
Currently, they get soaked every 3rd day or so, depending on the weather. I water when I think they need it, trying to make it so the Cats are the only ones to get bone dry between waterings. I give NPK, calc & mag with each watering for 3 in a row, then flush on the 4th. They also get a low dose of seaweed a couple of times per month.
It's been working, and they're happy... I'm the one who's unhappy. My 'requirements' are, that I will use less water this summer and that I will limit the need for repotting by using inert/inorganic media for most of my collection... but not lecca because the stuff drives me crazy rolling around. I'd also just like to streamline my potting regimen because as you can see, it kinda went all over the place as I started building my small collection. I figure I have two options and each is based on a YouTuber.
I quite like Rick L and have modeled my feeding and watering routine after his. I could start using pots with fewer holes, perhaps even some glazed and/or plastic pots. Perhaps put humidity trays underneath.
Or, I could go the self-watering route a-la Miss Orchid Girl... who I believe grows in a similar climate to my own. This leaves me worried about ventilation within pots though. As much as I want to save water, I don't want to risk rot.
I'm thinking I'd like lava rock as a new media (I'm happy to increase flushing frequencies if needed)... but what then for inorganic moisture retaining media? Anybody ever tried rockwool? How about living moss? If this is at the top of their pots, will Phals and Dens stay a little wetter than Cats?
Forgive me... I know this is a mess of a post. I just want to start this summer with a clearer idea on how to maintain and build my collection. So, I am grateful for any assistance offered, more than happy to answer any questions, and the official names of the plants are in my profile.
