Shelving Units & "Mini Greenhouses" for growing indoors. Advice?
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Shelving Units & "Mini Greenhouses" for growing indoors. Advice?
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Old 02-05-2019, 11:56 AM
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WaterWitchin WaterWitchin is offline

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Originally Posted by SundayGardener View Post
Water Witchin, I would happily contract you to set up a watering system for my shelves!

I didn't realize how much water weighs until I hurt my back. Now watering orchids has become one of my most painful activities, even with help. A gallon is the maximum weight I've be told to lift, but the lifting isn't so hard as the holding the weight away from the body to pour.

Anyway, I have saved this thread for future reference! I don't have a drainage hole but while lying on the floor (the best friend of anyone with back pain) I starting thinking creative thoughts about an unused toilet as a potential drainage site....
I understand a hurting back. Own the Tshirt. This was an old set-up, but I couldn't do the lifting either. Wasn't using R/O at the time. Had an adapter connected to my kitchen faucet, and a forty foot hose with a shutoff on the end. I'd get water temp just right, snake hose across house, and water with the hose. Sounds messy, but it really wasn't. Just need to not have water pressure on very high.

Now that I use a lot more R/O, same thing, except pump in bottom of R/O container, smaller hose, restrictor on pump to lower pressure. Otherwise, same type of watering.

I used to do this without a drain hole in floor. Excess water ran into large container, container had a submersible pump in it with small tube, tube ran out window and water went outside. Many ways to skin a cat. The toilet idea is absolutely doable.

Have also in past used a tank type sprayer, kept it on a small dolly. Filled tank while on dolly (hose to tank from sink) Wheeled dolly over to plants, repeat as needed. Could use a smaller sprayer if you don't have tons of plants to water.

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

Originally Posted by emmajs243 View Post
Sorry guys! Life happened! Got busy....

I did just want to throw out there....I never said anything about my concerns being education based...needless to say biology based. Or about them being accurate! I merely said maybe from being taught to run through possible contamination methods in my head constantly that is why I immediately jump to worrying about them!...Then again, who really can say why any of our brains work the way they do!

Just wanted to clarify though WaterWitchin, totally didn't mean it in any belittling or disrespectful way! Its just....when you already a more paranoid/OCD type of person and your aware of this fact and trying to improve on it....Its really tough to figure out where the paranoia stops and what is a realistic concern. So anytime I throw out these "concerns" running through my head, it is solely because I am trying to figure out..."Am I worrying about nothing I worrying about trying to NOT worry and these are realistic concerns?" You know what I mean? I haven't quite figured out that never ending question yet so thats when I turn to what I consider "normal people" to help validate what is what!

Ok but after going back over this thread...I never had ANY idea in-place watering was even really an option on this sort of level! Holy crap guys! Mind blowing!

I will say....Really like the louvers idea Katrina!!!! Just goes to show that any idea can be adjusted to fit ones needs! I didn't even know they made "louvers" needless to say that was what they were called! Super cool! Also, the contraptions for catching hanging plants...awesome! I have been racking my brain on if there is a way to do hanging plants indoors without having to take each of them down and totally opened my mind to new possibilities!

Unfortunately, Sunday Gardner....I too tried laying on my floor to see if I look at things from a new perspective if creativity would also hit me and I too could find a drainage source....I think I am going to be left with buckets on this excursion! MAYBE during summer I can run a hose through a screen fixed with some type of circular fitting for the hose to run through and then one of those drainage pipes away from the house and towards the irrigation ditch? That was my only floor inspiration!
No worries Emma. I know OCD/paranoia when I see it. And also don't know ya well enough to say you're overthinking or OCD/paranoid. I'm also a fairly blunt individual, and attempt to shut my mouth instead of accidentally insulting someone I don't know well. I have a pretty good grasp in the ADHD world, so I understand what you're saying.

On the topic of contamination from water, with my set up it's not a problem. The holes are higher than the tray. No two holes face the same direction. So no water can splash from one pot's holes into another, nor would bumping the tray cause water from one plant to another. The water never gets to the lip of the tray anyway. Using the light grates wouldn't help either, the way these are set up it's unnecessary extra "stuff."

Pathogens are everywhere, as E.S. says. So are many micro's how sourdough starter survives for decades. We're growing orchids, not conducting lab experiments in a semi-sterile environment. It can be a pretty relaxing hobby away from your work environment if you allow it.

When I had my set-up with buckets (as above stated somewhere) I did it in the coldest months of the year when the orchids were inside. (they're all outside for six months, inside for six months). So don't let cold weather delay that. You only have to have the window open an inch to do it, it drains fast, and you can stick a towel across rest of window opening.

Laying on the floor is an excellent exercise, ESPECIALLY if your back hurts. I use it a lot to see a different perspective.
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Old 02-06-2019, 05:56 PM
emmajs243 emmajs243 is offline
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Shelving Units &amp; &quot;Mini Greenhouses&quot; for growing indoors. Advice?

Lol! Thanks water witchen! I am often told that I am way too blunt as well so I know what you mean there! However! at least I am just as blunt with myself about myself as I am with others so normally I have already called myself out on most things! BUT, if I ever start listing off ridiculous, never going to happen concerns to you in the future just be like....OK Emma! It's time to go put your foil hat back in the drawer and come back down to reality! And I will just bust out laughing and be like OK! Throw those worries out of my head! Plus....their are parts of the orchid world....primarily those sources and videos newbies come by first...that do a really fantastic job at kinda horrifying newbies!!! It's like, between just the constant videos that show how to handle all the problems and how problems start....which is great and useful once you have problems but they never really tell you, realistically, how common are these problems! So all you do at the start is create this big "don't" list in your head! You know what I mean??

The more I thought about your watering system and others the more I realized what I believe the key is....knowing your plants. And knowing your plants very well. Knowing what spot has just been there for ever and never spread and what markings are just markings and what are possible problems. And just knowing that they are healthy. I only have two plants so far that I've owned long enough to really feel decently confident with them being healthy. Just because I am so new and now diving into these different types and ages of orchids... all my orchids are new to me and everyone seems to be in some level of "quarantine" besides my two. I would say in another month or so I would feel really confident about doing that with four or so plants because I would have had them for many months and really kinda figured them out but I have another couple of handfuls that I definitely don't trust being anywhere near those guys. So the more I thought about it; the more I realized that just because I don't really have a "collection" of plants I trust and really know yet, and all of mine are new, I think I just am so use to everybody being in isolation and separated and a world where I know all my plants and what is what on them....just seems so like such a far away concept! You know what I mean!? Quarantine levels all around at my house!

BUT! Really good to know that draining out the window isn't total ridiculousness... it seems like at MOST I only water about every 3-4 days (for s/h reservoir top off that is) maybe I flush a bit more often if the orchid is transitioning and has the mold in the pot like my current s/h test subject does! So it's not like that would even be that bad during winter either and just pulling the hose in when I'm done! I just had no idea there were so many creative ideas like this!
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