My so-called set up for the past two weeks:
I wasn't sure what to do, so I've tried to create a miniature greenhouse for them at my workplace. I leave them in front of an East facing window (my co-worker's phals grow great in his office that face the same direction).
They are in plastic cups filled with water and an upturned net pot or tin foil ball keeps both orchid pots resting well above the water. I don't have the Stellamizutaara potted in anything - just resting in its empty pot.
I've watered them twice a week (once with water, and once with a less than a 1/4 tsp of seaweed extract to a 4 oz cup). I leave the covers on during the day and remove them at night so they can breathe. However, all the covers do have a hole at the top for a little ventilation during the day.